Thursday, January 14, 2010

Well, I think I'm about ready to be done with Social Networking..

Ah Facebook.

I joined Facebook "late in the game", meaning that I purposely delayed joining, put it off, and dragged my heels in the sand because of my previous experiences with forums and message boards. I assumed that much of the asshatery that would occur on forums and message boards would not occur on Facebook, since, you know, people would know EXACTLY who said what.

Although I haven't received any threats of physical violence on Facebook, (lol.. 3 from various forums, if I have my math right..) the asshatery is still there, but slightly different. The difference is trading the anonymity of a forum for the physical disconnect of Facebook. For some people, that's enough to "pull the trigger" and be a complete jackass online.

I'm tired of it.

Its the same kind of stuff that you get on various forums: Someone posts something, you calmly post a reply a differing opinion, then someone random comes and "teaches you reality" by simply stating your opinion is wrong, without reasoning or logic. A "just because I say so" mentality. No discussion, no thought about the opinions being presented, no logical thought, nothing. Just a simple: "You're wrong, shut up. Fuck you."

Or my other "favorite" situation: posting a joke or statement as your status, and then having people beat you over the head for it. Why? What happened to intuition, reading comprehension and simple common sense? While, in the same general circle of friends, someone else can post literally anything as inflammatory, controversial, whiny, confrontational as they want and nobody skips a beat.

Yeah, I'm done with it. Tired of the double standards. Tired of being continually grilled for having an opinion.

I'm just going to go back to toiling. You know, do something useful for society rather than taking random shots from random people about having an opinion.

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