Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Darwin is rolling in his grave.

Nah, this isn't going to be a social comment on creationism vs evolution, because, well, there really isn't any discussion, evolution is fact. I digress... lol

I'm convinced that as a civilization, we're building a society that works completely against Natural Selection.

Essentially, if you're not familiar with the idea, natural selection, in the biological sense, is defined by wikipedia as the following:

Natural selection is the theoretical process by which heritable traits that make it more likely for an organism to survive and successfully reproduce become more common in a population over successive generations. It is a key mechanism in the theory of evolution.

This is essentially the root of the idiom: "Evolve or die", one of those sayings that gets thrown around much too often in the business world. If you extend this idea to the human experience, this is where homosapien using tools, etc, was able to dominate other human-like species. Unfortunately, as we've evolved, we've slowly grown overconfident and worked against Natural Selection. Our society, on a fundamental level, is preventing the "If you do something completely stupid, you get punished for it" aspect of many situations.

Case in point: The evolution of automobiles. One of the driving forces in the industry is to improve safety. Couple that with improved handling and acceleration, and you've essentially reversed Natural Selection. How? People can drive like complete selfish idiots, endanger themselves and others, and walk away from accidents that would rather maim or outright kill them because of these "safety" innovations. I miss the good old days of solid cars, no airbags, and sometimes seatbelts.

What brings on this rant? Heh. Winter driving conditions and stupid drivers. There are many people today that Natural Selection should have claimed, but for whatever reason, they get saved, and then flip you the bird because youmanaged to "wrong" them (also known as swerving out of their way so you don't sideswipe them.. )

I miss Natural Selection.

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