Sunday, November 1, 2009

Advertizing does it again!

It blows my mind how much people rely on the media for general knowledge.

For example, the Mac "attack adds" (you know, those popular adds with "Mac" and "PC") are probably the best example of how people get misinformed, and believe that its absolute truth. Essentially, the overwhelming message that "Vista is the devil" to the uninformed masses was a slick advertising campaign. It got many long time windows users to not even bother with Vista - a definite upgrade in functionality and performance from XP. XP was the single most exploited and unsecured piece of software out there, recently over taken by Acrobat Reader. But yet, since it was familiar, and you had a good looking Hollywood actor, slickly implanting the message that Vista was evil, broken, had many bugs, and wasn't worth dealing with a lot of people didn't bother upgrading.

I've used every windows operating system. I switched to Vista when I got a new computer. Vista has been my most stable and useful OS yet. I haven't had the irrecoverable errors that had required me to reinstall 95 and XP. I haven't had the DLL errors, the constant crashes, memory leaks and what have you with Vista. The only legitimate problem that users of Vista saw was running it at the minimum system requirements. But then again, did they expect it to run well at the minimum requirements?

What's even worse, is that people who have never ever run Vista in their life would openly and blatantly argue with me that I was wrong to use Vista. Why? because Mac told them that Vista is bad.

Anyways, the campaign of misinformation continued today with a bunch of new Mac ads that could no longer attack Vista for being a "bad" piece of software. Windows 7 is probably the best piece of software that Microsoft has produced, so suddenly, can't attack that. So, what did they go after? Oh yes: "You're going to have move all you stuff, so why not move it to a MAC"

Yeah. I'm not joking. They're trying to convince people that its going to be a hassle to upgrade. Yeah... Talk about grasping at straws. But the sad thing is that people are going to believe them, because you know, TV never lies.

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