Sunday, November 1, 2009

H1N1, R2D2, and C3P-O!

Yeah, I know, two posts in one day... but I suppose that's what happens when I watch the news.

Ah the "news".. another skewing of facts, only this time about daily events.

Generally, I won't question the severity of certain events, nor their general impact on the world. I realize that there are serious things that happen on a daily basis that have large scale real-world ramifications. I'm not arguing that point. What I am arguing is the panic that is being fostered by the media about our old friend: H1N1.

Yes, H1N1 is a public health problem, yes its dangerous and potentially life threatening if you happen not to take it seriously. Yes, vaccines are a good thing. I hope that everyone will be able to get them. Yes, there have been issues with how the Alberta Government has handled the inoculation campaign. But, lets review:

1. The Gov't was able to initially get 400000 doses of the vaccine, and set up clinics. They asked that people who are high risk (Small children, Pregnant Women, and people with chronic health conditions) groups be given voluntary priority. Otherwise known as, "Hey IDIOTS, if you aren't a part of the risk groups, stop being completely selfish and wait your turn."
2. The media heavily covered this. Awesome. Get the word out. They seem to have the "voluntary priority" tidbit in the small little snippets they use as advertizing, but never in the main story they show. Excellent.
3. Apparently "High Risk" meant everyone, and the voluntary priority thing went out the window.
4. In order to not run out of vaccine, the Gov't decided to suspend all clinics open to the public, and to restrict the vaccine to the high risk groups mentioned above. Everyone else now has to wait 2 weeks for supply to catch up to demand.
5. Massive public uproar, whipped up by local media.

So, currently there's politicans demanding resignations and such. Massive knee-jerk reactions by random people on the news, some of which I doubt are not even close to being "high risk".

Well, I have very little sympathy for those that are upset about this situation. However, I do not have any sympathy for the Gov't in this case either. The situation could have been handled much better. I do think, however, the news media didn't help any. Not many people heard that "We have 400k doses, and will eventually be able to supply vaccine to every single Albertan", but heard "we have a dose for every Albertan NOW! and YOU WILL DIE TOMORROW IF YOU DON'T GET IT".

Yeah. The hordes of people panicking over H1N1 have brought this shortage on the rest of you. Heaven help you selfish people if the gov't runs out of vaccine and pregnant women or small children who should have gotten the vaccine get seriously ill.

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